Gene Autry had established his "Singing Cowboy Image"........
on the radio and the silver screen long before his television series ever aired.
Gene Audry's Melody Ranch was on the radio........ from January 7, 1940 to August 1, 1943, and from September 23, 1945 to May 16, 1956.
When World War II broke out, Gene Autry was determined to join the armed forces and do his part.
On July 26, 1942, during a live broadcast of his radio show Melody Ranch he was inducted into the
Army Air Corps.
He also appeared in in 93 movies shown on the big screen from.....
1934 - 1953.
Each week on channel 2......
Gene his wonder horse "Champion" and his comedic side kick Pat graced the small screen,
with good, down to earth, cowboy shows.
The Gene Autry Show aired for 91 episodes on CBS from July 23, 1950 until August 7, 1956, originally sponsored by Wrigley's Double -Mint chewing gum.
Did you know?
Gene Autry is the only entertainer with all five stars on Hollywood's Walk of Fame? One each for Radio, Recordings, Motion Pictures,Live Performance and Television.

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