Every Sunday night from June 20,1948 - June 6,1971 millions of viewers, would dial in CBS to see what outrageous variety acts Ed would introduce.
It was the day of golden age of television!
The Ed Sullivan shoe!
Many historic rock-n-roll and Motown super stars were showcased.
The Beatles-Elvis Presley-The Doors-The Rolling Stones-The Jackson Five-Supremes & Temtations just to name a few!
Sullivan was a brilliant tracker and arranger of talent. A variety show always has variety, but nothing was as eclectic as the programs that Sullivan put together, from puppet shows to opera, the show had it all.
January 6, 1957, when Elvis Presley appeared on the program and the cameras shot him from the waist up because his gyrating hips were considered far too scandalous for family television.
On February 9, 1964, more than 70 million viewers tuned in to the show for the American TV debut of the Liverpool-based rock quartet.... “The Beatles.”