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Sunday, November 10, 2019

Felix the Cat: "The Goose That Laid the Golden Egg"

Felix the Cat is a animal cartoon character created in the silent film era first appearing in "Feline Follies" 1919. 100 years young! Did you know....Felix was the first character from animation, to attain a level of popularity sufficient, to draw movie audiences. Thanks for "LIKING" "FOLLOWING" and "WATCHING" Yesterday Television.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Will Rogers

Today is...............

William Penn Adair Rogers Birthday. He is 140 years old November 4, 2019
(4 November 1879 – 15 August 1935)

Will Rogers was beloved by all. If you Google his name be prepared to sift through
over about 395,000,000 or so hits.
A bit before my time I still knew of him as a child.
The reruns of him on early television still resonates within me  as I remember the cowboy, the lariat, and his home spun humor.

While researching I found that he was a Cherokee  citizen..... born in the Cherokee Nation, Indian Territory
He was a radio personality, the nations most sought after public speaker,top box office draw,he wrote books, was a well read news paper columnist and much-much more!

To learn more about Will....... check out the Will Rogers Memorial Museum site.