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Monday, September 16, 2013

                                             Pictured above is Frances R. Horwich

A grand lady she was...a wonderful teacher for........ "Ding Dong School."
Billed as "the nursery school of the air", it was a half-hour children's TV show which began  November 24,1952 and ended December 28,1956.

Before Mister Rogers Neighborhood, before there was a Sesame Street,  preschoolers had Miss Frances; to learn with.
She was the first to use the  talk to the audience method. She would even pause to let the child answer her.
More than once, she would be right on  the mark, with the conversation, second guessing a little ones answer.
Parents and Grandparents of the time adored her as did the children. The series is said to have garnered a 95 percent share of all preschoolers at the time.

Do you remember? Most reading this will say..NO.  Comment if your answer is yes or no.

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